Monday, August 22, 2011

A Friend Comes Along...

I walked into the new office very skeptical of what was in store for me. The location was pretty depressing. I travelled so far to work so long; I was waiting for an opportunity close to home, to spend time with my daughter and parents. This one came up, I told myself, 'six months max out here or else I will choke.' The place was depressing, people were morose, boss’s were pathetic........ nothing excited me enough to stay back.

A chirpy, petite girl in my department was in charge of getting me introduced to the working of this place. There was something different about her; she stood out of the crowd. She was friendly, smiling, helpful, had a whacky sense of humor and was very popular. She had been around for a long time and I would always wonder what kept her bound to this lousy place. She was like a breath of fresh air in this stinky place.

As time passed, we hit it off like a house on fire. The age gap between us didn’t mean a thing, we were like teens together laughing, talking, cracking silly jokes, sharing our grief, motivating each other...... Though the environment was the same, my attitude changed, I actually started looking forward to coming to office; office was fun, it was a day I would meet my friend, a day we would chat endlessly and laugh like two mad hatters, the burden of work suddenly did not matter, it became one of the many things we did in the course of the day. It wasn’t the highlight of the day anymore.

Two and a half years just flew by and one day my friend decided she needs to move on and explore what lies beyond this office as she felt she had been a frog in the well for too long. The time had come to get out and explore new territories.

It hurts now to think of going to a place where you can’t relate to anyone, I guess it’s once in a while someone comes along who compliments your thought processes - it does not happen often…

I will miss her awfully I know, but its practical to move on and I am sure wherever my friend goes she will carry sunshine and laughter with her like a nice bright sunny day.

I am so glad I met her. She rubbed in sunshine and laughter into me, which will go on even after she is gone…

I like this quote:

We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other."
-Lucian de Crescenzo

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In Love with Myself

Someone rightly said Happiness is a state of mind.

It took so many experiences and many years to understand the depth of this statement. That’s when I realized that loving myself is the only emotion that can make me happy and the best thing I can give myself. When I love myself, I don’t let anyone hurt me. I choose people who make me happy and don’t attract the cry baby types. I can think clearly even if situations around me are pathetic. I do not let anyone spoil my day, as I wouldn't bother about what they say. All because I choose to love myself.

Now isn’t that wonderful… we are so simple to deal with yet we make ourselves so complicated and mess our existence.

Yes to love your ownself you require discipline and a deep desire to be positive, no matter what life dishes out at you. When I say discipline I mean a conscious effort in every little thing that's done. To eat right and not stuff yourself, as though there is going to be a famine soon. Being with people who make you feel good and who definitely have a great sense of humour. Relaxing the mind by spending some time with your own self, helps immensely, it helps to resolve mental clutter and see things in the right perspective.

The benefits of loving yourself are endless. It’s a wonderful feeling which can only be experienced. Everything looks beautiful, situations get simplified, you have a bounce in your walk, a song in your mind and a smile on your lips…it's a high of a different feel as light as a butterfly soaring up the sky...

Have you ever done what your soul desires…
Have you stopped to hear what your body is telling you…
Have you ever hugged yourself tightly…
Have you looked into the mirror and told yourself, what an amazing masterpiece you are…
Have you felt your heart flutter at the thought of a loved one…
Have you ever realised how gifted you are…
Have you ever stopped to think there is no one like you except you, yourself…and smiled..
Stop and think for a moment…Have you loved yourself today…